We strengthen companies transform their environment nurturing their brands.
The brand is the safeguard of the company's assets and may represent future profits, although it is a variable income investment whose results depend on the entrepreneur.

The company that grew its sales 55% in the year of the pandemic.
The owner of Ensobretados y Derivados, a company dedicated for 16 years to packaging powdered products, has been our PARTNER since 2017 when we launched Conccento on the market for them, a brand of flavored sugar that we created from the conception of the idea and established the foundations for that the construction of value began from the brand itself and the packaging.
The financial difficulties that the company faced in 2019 due to sudden cancellations of sales associated with government programs created an atmosphere of uncertainty at all levels. Therefore, at the end of the same year they decided to explore Brand Wellness, with the aim of transforming the company based on a higher purpose.
“I knew that we had problems to solve in the company but they were not necessarily where we thought” was the conclusion of the company owner upon seeing the result of the diagnosis of Brand Wellness that allowed them a deep understanding of the company.
They started 2020 working on the alignment of the company's areas and the results were immediate. By the end of the first quarter, they carried out the second Brand Wellness diagnosis in which they verified the improvements that already reflected sales directly.
When the Covid 19 pandemic began affecting hotels, restaurants and cafeterias, important clients of the company, the debacle was already in full swing. Decisions had to be made quickly, so they decided to reconvert the company and start packaging small antibacterial gel sachets, creating the Antiviral Protection Kit with gel sachets, wet wipes and face masks.
By the third quarter of the year they had already recovered 30% of their sales and had 4 divisions that they have maintained and that have led them to close 2020 with a growth in sales of 55% compared to the previous year.
Knowing the purpose to strengthen the company is one of the most powerful benefits that they see in Brand Wellness and for which they consider they were able to have the necessary reflection to significantly accelerate the company in 2020.